Sunday, June 16, 2024

How can I teach my self about electronics and electrical engineering?

How can I teach my self about electronics and electrical engineering?

Good for you! You will have a better attitude than 95% of students.

You need a decent understanding of physics first. Do you have that? If there is still time, enroll in physics classes in high school. It really helps with understanding electricity and electronics.

You can also watch this series of lectures by Prof Richard Muller:

Grob "Basic Electronics" is a very good book to start with. You do not need the latest edition. The 2003 version is under $20 used on Amazon.

Malvino's "Electronic Principles" is, in my opinion, an even better textbook. Again, you do not need the latest edition. The 6th Edition is also under $20 used on Amazon.

"The Art of Electronics" by Horowitz and Hill is NOT a beginner's book. It assumes that you already have a basic knowledge of electricity, Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's Laws, and dives right in with RC circuits and semiconductors. It is an excellent book once you have that knowledge, going in very deep. The latest 3rd edition is about $90, but worth it. The older 2nd edition is still selling for as much or more, so I strongly recommend just getting the 3rd edition when you are ready for it.

The US NAVY has its book on electricity and electronics available online as a PDF.

When you get to Op Amps (operational amplifiers), I strongly recommend Bruce Carter's "Op Amps for Everyone". The 4th edition is the latest, and well worth the money. $65 new on Amazon, or $40 used. The 2nd and 3rd editions are available online as PDFs.

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